Writer: Richie
Book01-01Inside cover notes:

July 19 – Rhinie’s B.D.

Got Buffy dog Nov 1974
Probaby Five weeks old


Friday, April 27

Drove up in jeep and hauled lumber and misc. articles on trailer. Stopped at Barnekows for fish fry. Met Gil and Ronnie in Norb’s later on.

Saturday, April 28

Sunny, Temp 55°, Water gradually receding from Gil’s cottage. Planted two dwarf pear trees, one dwarf and one regular cherry, one dwarf apple, four grape vines. Inee planted flowers and raked. Rototilled the garden. Ate supper at Barnekows.

Sunday, April 29

Light intermittent rain. 45° – First bluebird and cardinal. Hauled sand for road.

Writer: Inee

Book01-02Saturday, July 7

Hot but breezy. Our day for company. Tony – Joe Turk – Bernie – Linda and family – Bud and Beverly – Ronnie and Gil and Lucy.

Sunday, July 8

Hotter than heck. Couldn’t move. Rhinie came over. Left for home kinda early.

Saturday, July 14

Elmer and Julie came over in afternoon. Had supper with us. Pleasant weather.

Sunday, July 15

Rhinie came over with pump and watered garden. Also brought his rototiller and he and Richie got all weeds out of garden. Had supper with us. Pleasant weather. Left for home after 9:30.

Saturday, August 4

Went to Elmer and Julie’s Lake association picnic. Beautiful day.

Sunday, August 5

Picked up Beef from Bernie. Hot day.

Saturday, August 11

Symphie and Lulu came up for first time. Rich and I ate supper at Jeannie’s. Hot but breezy.

Saturday, August 18

Had Jeannie and family, Ron and Gil and Lucy for supper. Rain and hail like I never saw before. Big as baseballs. High winds too.

Sunday, August 19

Cloudy and drizzle. Picnic at church in town.

Saturday, September 8

Rained some today. Richie did landscaping. Heard today meat was ready for Arline and Elmer.

Ate chicken at Little Market.

Book01-03Sunday, September 9

Beautiful day. Got garden vegs from Rhinie. Richie and I cut grass. Richie landscaped a lot.

Monday, October 1

Stopped on our way home from out west and slept overnight (Sunday). Richie went out for ducks for a little while. Beautiful day – Sunny. Dug potatoes and picked tomatoes. Headed home. Work tonight.

Sunday, October 7

Came up Friday – 5th. Beautiful day – came up in Ford and Jeep. Saturday was nice but kinda cloudy at times. Took a ride to Elmer and Julie’s. Nobody home. Visited with Jenny. Billy got a buck with bow and arrow. Richie cleaned it. Sunday very damp and drizzly. Have to go home today and Richie stays on vacation.

Writer: Richie

Worked on brushing and landscaping til 5:30 then took a ride to see if I could get a couple of squirrels at Jenny’s. Took three shots with old .22 and all misfired. Saw two deer.

Monday, October 8

Beautiful day in the low 70s. Cut trees, burned brush, and landscaped all day. Was planning on moving storage shed to new location but Rhinie can’t make it. Worked until 5:30 and then walked across the road to see if any squirrels were around. Also wanted to look Narcie’s property over. Saw one squirrel and one doe. Visited Bud for a while and to bed at 10:00.

Tuesday, October 9

Cloudy and overcast but in the high 60s. Decided to head for Presque Isle. AS long as the split duck season is now closed, I might as well try and get some birds up north. On my way at 11:00 am.

Writer: Inee

Tuesday, October 23

Richie came back from up north. Weather beautiful.

Thursday October 25

Inez came up Thursday morning. Cloudy day. Slept most of the time. Richie got one squirrel. Had steak and Michigan mushrooms for supper.

Friday, October 26

Beautiful day. Did a lot of raking and brushing out. Rich got a squirrel. Fish fry in town.

Saturday, October 27

Rain today. Taking a ride to see property at Rosholt. Steady rain. Rich walked property in rain. Went to Steven’s Point
Book01-04Had supper at Emerick’s. Prime Rib. Stopped at Louie and Edna’s on way home.

Sunday, October 28

Rain all night and today. Cooler too. Packing up to go home early. Work tonight.

Friday, November 2

Got up here later, stopped at Schaumburg’s for supper. Saw Gill and Ronnie and Jenny. Gil and Ron and bunch up for one week.

Saturday, November 3

Beautiful fall day (cool and frosty). Washed windows, Richie fixed outhouse door. Rich got two squirrels. Stayed home, went to bed early.

Sunday, November 4

Richie got up early – went to Old Baldy – got deer. Nice doe. Later we went back and picked lots of mushrooms. Left for home about 5:00.

Friday, November 9

Came up Friday night. Cold. Stopped at Camelot for fish fry. Delicious. Met Beverly and Bud in town.

Saturday, November 10

Saw Miller about our disturbing letter. Richie and Bud took a ride. Beautiful and sunny. Early to bed. Nice buck in back of our place.

Sunday, November 11

Warmer today. Richie and Bud went for ducks. River opened. I knitted and slept.

Writer: Richie

Tuesday, November 20

Ray and I came down from Steven’s Point. No bucks. Chick, Chuck, Lee, and his buddy hunted with us til noon Sunday. Weather has been exceptionally warm. Stopped at Emerick’s and arrived here around 10:00 pm.

Wednesday, November 21

Beautiful day in the 40s. Saw seven deer in marsh. No bucks. No snow on ground.

Thursday, November 22 (Thanksgiving)

Another very warm day near 50°. Bud hunted with me in marsh. I saw seven deer. All baldies. Stopped at Jenny’s around noon time. Ronnie Deja was staying there. Gil Nemo and Butch Deja had both shot their bucks in marsh on opening day.

Friday, November 23

In the 50s again and sunny. Hunted the marsh in the AM and Huckleberry Road in the PM. Saw one doe in front of trailer. Grady’s bunch killed a camp deer in marsh. Had fish fry at Coach Lite.

Saturday, November 24

Hunted in AM in marsh. No deer. A light drizzle falling. Temp near 40°. Hunted in PM with Doc and Al.

Book01-05November 25, Sunday

Up early and walked complete marsh til almost 11:00. Saw one deer. Decided to head for home. On our way at 12:30.

Writer: Inee

Friday, November 30

Rich and I came up. Stopped at Barnekow’s to eat. Terrible. Nice mild weather.

Saturday, December 1

Mild and sunny. Went with Bud and Beverly to eat Saturday night at Mel’s. Cleaned ten chickens from Narcie. Wow. Also cleaned trailer good.

Sunday, December 2

Warmer, but cloudy. Will start for home early in afternoon. Sun came out. Beautiful and warm. Bud came over with a pheasant he had just shot.

Friday, December 14

Arrived at 10:30 pm alone. Light snow falling and around 20°. Stayed home and to bed at 12:00.

Saturday, December 15

Went hunting with Bud to Coloma. Saw some very nice country. Jumped a few partridge but didn’t get any. Went to town at night for an hour or so. Met Cliff at Norb’s. To bed at 11:30 pm. Very windy day and cloudy.

Sunday, December 16

Up early and went with Bud and Dennis to the Marquette rocks for rabbits. Didn’t get any. Around zero in the AM and sunny. Shot a rooster while coming out of Bud’s driveway. Left for home at 4:00 pm.

Writer: Inee


Saturday, January 26

Rich, Inez, John, and Sue came up. Warm day. Rainy night. Ate supper at Dizzy’s.

Sunday, January 27

Still very wet – no fishing. Took a ride to Green Lake. Went home early.

Friday, March 1

Came up Friday night. Bud had cleared the snow for us. Ate fish at Wild Goose. Very good. Mild weather. Called Krowczak about land. The man (Chet) wants more money.

Saturday, March 2

Beautiful day. Slept mostly. Rich went with Bud and Denny fishing. Ate chicken at Dizzy’s.

Sunday, March 3

Snow melting fast-in the 60s today. Rich and bud took a ride. Left for home around 4:00 pm.

Writer: Richie

Bud, Dennis, and I went fishing on Puckaway Saturday. Caught fifteen bluegill, two crappies, and a couple of perch. Ice about 25″ thick. Sunday, Bud and I went to Mason Lake. Did not fish there but stopped at Emerald Lake and caught some bluegills. Temperature was almost 70°. Saw quite a few geese. Also mergansers, old squaws, and goldeneyes on the river at Cliffs.

Writer: Inee

Book01-06Friday, April 12 (Good Friday)

Got here about 11:30. Came thru Beaver Dam-stopped at Herters. Nice, warm and sunny turned to rain and blew hard. Cleared up. Went for fish fry to Farmside with Bud and Beverly, Jerry and Elaine.

Saturday, April 13

Beautiful day. Raked and cleaned up. Put bird houses up. Nearly burned up the place. Grass fire got away. Ate at home. Richie and Bud fished a while. Stopped to see Debbie and Bill. Jenny and girls were there. Started to rain about 9:30 pm.

Sunday, April 14 (Easter Sunday)

Wind blew hard, rain into big flakes of snow. Ground wet and covered. We’re packing to go home early. Can’t do much today.

Friday, April 26

Got here about 8:30 pm. Stopped to eat fish at Camelot. Met Jean from work there and her mother and nephew. Beautiful warm night. Stopped to see Jeannie.

Saturday, April 27

Cleaned the trailer good. Richie put in the culvert on one side. Warm and sunny day. Took a ride to Debbie and Billy’s. Jeannie got stuck and Danny pulled her out. Richie and Bill fished Saturday night. Got two northern, one walleye, and one bullhead. Were going to town but stayed home instead. Carp are in the shallows. Saw a big snale. Richie said it was a puff adder. Looks more like a cobra.

Sunday, April 28

Hot and beautiful today. Richie cleaned carp to smoke and planted pine seeds. Visited Carl and Rhinie. Rhinie gave me parsnips and flower seeds. He’s plowing the marsh for us today. Good black soil. Got started for home about 5:45.

Friday, May 24

Got here about 7:00 pm. Ate at Schaumburg’s. Went to town late. Saw Gil at tavern.

Saturday, May 25

Got up and started to mow. Had lots of company. Bud and son and kids. Rhinie. Ron and Gil. Jen, Felice, and girls. Rhinie disked the garden again. Richie started to plant. Went to Jenny’s a while in the evening.

Sunday, May 26

Richie went fishing with Bud and son. I baked three rhubarb pies. Saw two sandhill cranes right in the back of the trailer. Beautiful days. David, Carol and kids were here visiting.

Book01-07Margin note:

Garden in May 27, 1974

Susan and Anne came up around 7:00. Richie came home about 9:15. Got quite a few fish. Girls did the town, we went to bed.

Monday, May 27

Beautiful day again. Girls went to Green Lake. Rich and I got the garden in. five rows of potatoes, one beet, one and a half carrots, one onion, one swiss chard. Ten hill cukes. Went home about 5:30.

Friday, May 31

Got here late, about 10:30, because we ate fish fry with Tillie and Jerry. Went to town about 11:00 with Ron and Gil. Had coffee and lunch at their house.

Saturday, June 1

Beautiful day. Slept late, puttered around. Bud was sick with flu. Played cards at Gil and Ronnie’s

Sunday, June 2

Took a ride with Gil and Ron. Richie planted a few things. Ate at Slugs. Big game hunting. Rain Saturday night. Beautiful Sunday.

Friday, June 7

Got here about 7:00 pm. Ate at Camelot. Windy, but nice. Went to Norbs a while. Saw Bernie and Chet. Came home early.

Saturday, June 8

Beautiful day. Slept late. Cut grass. Went to town in afternoon. Richie planted peppers, beggies, lettuce, kohlrabi, and tomatoes. Got stuff from Rhinie. I baked two rhubarb cakes. One to Rhinie and Carl.

Sunday, June 9

Rained all night and morning. Hot and muggy today. I don’t feel like moving. Big hunter at work. Wind came up, cooled things off. Rich went to see Bud. He goes to hospital today. Richie planted grapes and honeysuckle. Will eat BLTs and then go home.

Friday, June 14

Stopped at Schreiners on the way up to eat. Met Ronnie and Gil there. Got here about 8:00 pm. Rained off and on.

Saturday, June 15

Couldn’t move shed. Too wet. Had company: Gil, Tony, Bud, Butch, L Ray, and Kenny had supper with us. We went to Elmer’s later. Picked up pump, played cards.

Sunday, June 16

Slept late. Guy worked on pump. Got a late start. Garden flooded.

Friday, June 21

Stopped at Timber Inn on way up. Good Mock Lobster. Visited Ron and Gil. Went to town. Nobody out. Came home around 12:00.

Book01-08Saturday, June 22

Rich’s birthday. Picked strawberries. Got thirteen pounds for $5.20. Rich cut lots of grass. New places, too. Ate supper late. Rhinie and Carl visited until 10:00 pm. Ron and Gil went home Saturday morning.

Sunday, June 23

Richie fixed flat tire on tractor. Decided to haul sand on road. Carl helped too. Cut logs and hauled in place to move building. Paid Rhinie $20, Carl $5. Didn’t want that much.

Saturday, July 13

Arrived here from Presque Isle late. About 11 pm. Stopped at Blue Top for supper. Visited with Emerick. Very hot weather.

Sunday, July 14

Musical beds last night. Very hot again today. Slow morning. Rhinie and Carl have shed on poles, ready to go. We’re leaving for home soon. Early today. Vacation over.

Friday, July 19

Margin note:

Rhinie’s birthday.

Stopped at Timber Inn. Delicious Mock Lobster and sea food platter. Got here after 8:00 pm. Then blunder of blunders. Inee forgot the keys. Rich broke in. Entered after smoke cleared. Went to town with Ron and Gil. Had drink at their place. Bed at 4:30 am.

Saturday, July 20

The big moving day. Rich and I took all the stuff out of the shed and Rhinie came early and started to move it. Had a good start when Narcie came. Lots of company-no help. Rhinie stayed for supper. Beautiful, warm, and windy. Gave Rhinie a little birthday gift. Bed early.

Sunday, July 21

Rhinie got us up at 8 am. Had breakfast with us and started to level shed off. Worked all day. Had lunch here too. Beverly, Bud, Donna and her boyfriend and mother came to visit. Men helped move stuff in shed. Finished around 4 pm. Paid Rhinie $40.

Book01-09Friday, July 26

Arrived about 8:00 pm. Ate at Camelot. Brought fifteen Blocks back to Bud. Had rained Thursday. Rhinie had the old chicken shack down. Ron and Gil didn’t come up. Visited with Jenny and girls.

Saturday, July 27

Got up at 8 am because Rhinie was here bright and early. Hauled good lumber in pile and burned the rest. Some fire. Bud came over. Also Jenny and Dawn. Burned until 8 pm or so. Rhinie here for breakfast, lunch, and supper. Carl came over in evening and puttered too. Bead Early. Paid the fellows: Carl $7.00, Rhinie $45.00. Richie smashed two fingers in pickup door.

Sunday, July 28

Slept until 9:30 and Rhinie was here by 10:00 am. Took a ride to look for blueberries (nothing). Warm today, looks like possible showers. Fire still smoldering. Bill and Debbie came over for visit in afternoon. We’re getting ready to go home now, 5 pm. Hot and muggy out.

Friday, August 2

Stopped at Timber Inn for fish. Also Ron and Gil, Chet and Bernie. Some rain showers. Got here late. Jenny brought up our TV. Went to Ron and Gil’s in evening. Had coffee and pie and watched a movie.

Saturday, August 3

Went to town and bought a TV antenna. Couldn’t do too much; drizzle. Richie planted willows. Invited to Alice’s in evening. Whole gang there. Jenny, Dad, and David. Carl helped put up TV antenna.

Sunday, August 4

Had company after breakfast. Jenny, David, Carl, Alice, and her dad. Richie working on TV antenna. I cleaned house good and changed things around. Cloudy and cool. Ate late lunch. Bill and Debbie came over. Power was out for an hour. Went home around 5:00.

Friday, August 9

Stopped at Kindt Lumber on way up to price materials. Met Ron and gil at Camelot for supper. Went to Norb’s again. Closed him up. Had lunch here.

Book01-10Saturday, August 10

Rhinie had hauled loads of sand on our road during the week. Again today until it rained. Richie borrowed Bud’s tractor to level road and yard. Had Ron and Gil for supper.

Sunday, August 11

Beautiful day. Richie leveling again today. Bev, Bud, and her ma came for a visit.

Saturday, August 17

Had to work Friday. Came up Saturday about 10:30. Bud came to visit, also Tony. Rich cut rafters. I cut grass. Nice day. Went to Elmer and Julie’s in evening. Took pump back. Saw wounded weasel on lawn.

Sunday, August 18

Beautiful day. Richie leveled ground in places. Went to Princeton Picnic. Chicken dinner. Got pickles and dill from Bud. Corn from Rhinie. Home about 6:30.

Friday, August 23

Stopped at Timber Inn for Poor Man’s Lobster. Richie met a crane operator from work (Red). Visited Jenny. To bed early.

Saturday, August 24

Rhinie was here at 8 am sharp. Started on the roof. Ate dinner and supper with us. Bud came over and helped, too. I cut grass in the evening with tractor until dark. Carl came over late and gave a hand.

Sunday, August 25

Rhinie was here at 8 am. Worked for only an hour. Richie and I worked in the afternoon. Rhinie came about 2:30 again and he and Rich put tarpaper on and started the roofing. Have to eat a bite and leave for home. Beautiful weekend. Warm and windy. Cool nights.

Friday, September 13

Arrived about 6:45. Ate fish in Milwaukee at St. Helen’s. Cool, but dry. Picked cherry tomatoes. Ate fish again at Farmside. Stopped at Norbs. Got call from Gary and shirley about drains. Called from Ron and Gil’s. Played Rack-O with girls.

Saturday, September 14

Beautiful day. Sunny and breezy. Picked beans at Rhinie’s. Rich paid him $15 for roof work. Picked up lawn mower in town. Welded rake. Cleaned up around the yard. Ate supper, watched TV.

Sunday, September 15

Another beautiful day. Ate breakfast late. Richie working on shed. Beautiful day.